Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Stamp Storage Questions answered

Thank you everyone for your kinds comments. Since I posted, I have had a few chances to use my 'unit' and it's fabulous! Just by pulling out the shelf, I can see every stamp in each category. No clutter on my work space either!
The shelves are made out of a press board that is finished on one side. I had originally wanted to use acrylic sheets but they were very cost prohibitive, I don't remember exactly how much but want to say about $8 for each shelf, take that times 52.... $416 just for the shelves. Plus I was told it was very hard to cut without cracking when it was that thin. As it was, I think it was close to $200 in materials but I was lucky to get things on sale since our Home Depot was closing.
My stamps with the tack-it-over glue on stick but peel off nicely. My other stamps sit on there easily without any slipping, even when the shelves are all the way out and at a slight angle. I counted a few shelves to see how many stamps, the ones that had the most stamps on had over 60 with lots of room to spare.

With my new workspace on top I'm able to keep my Wizard out so I might actually use it more.

I am thinking of drawing up actual plans and maybe selling them for $10. It wasn't too hard to make and anyone that can saw a straight line with a circular saw and use an electric drill to set screws should be able to make one or take it to a relative, friend or woodworker. It would make a perfect BD or Christmas present for any stamper!


Barb Urbassik aka Stampenstein said... the storage....great idea and I'm going to have Drew (dh) make something similar for me. Checked out your info and had to laugh....I'm a Gemini and except for the horses we could be twins for what you wrote in your likes list....ditto on the "NO CLEANING" that was stuck in the middle of the list....thanks for the laugh and by the way, nice work....

maryps said...

Will definitely be checking back for those plans.

Anonymous said...

Yup Betty...I'm gonna need those plans...I just redid my UM binders w/some speical sheets & it helped cut down on # of binders & space...but not nearly so cool as your cupboard...I can't imagine how lovely it would be to see EVERY stamp in each category....